Is It Normal To Grow Uneven Legs During Growth Spurts

2020. 1. 23. 23:43카테고리 없음

Is It Normal To Grow Uneven Legs During Growth Spurts

It is normal for your child’s weight to peak during their growth spurt. Pay attention to weight concerns arising during this time, and be sure to provide constant support. This jump in weight can sometimes contribute to future body image issues, according to a 2015 review in Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics. During these phases of intense growth, boys may increase in height by up to 4 inches and girls up to 3 1/2 inches in a single year, notes BBC. In between mini-spurts, such teens may continue growing at a normal pace. Other teens, however, grow at a steady, above-normal pace throughout their teenage years, slowing down or stopping by the age of 16.

  1. Is It Normal To Grow Uneven Legs During Growth Spurts In Pregnancy
  2. Is It Normal To Grow Uneven Legs During Growth Spurts 2017
  3. Is It Normal To Grow Uneven Legs During Growth Spurts Chart

Is It Normal To Grow Uneven Legs During Growth Spurts In Pregnancy

For searching the Internet and other reference sourcesEndocrinologyGeneticsHuman growth disordersHuman growth hormonePubertyJeremy's StoryWhen Jeremy turned eight, he looked like he was trapped inside the body ofa four-year-old. 'My friends teased me and called me'Shorty,' he said. 'I felt terrible being somuch shorter than my brother who was three years younger.' His parents took him to see a pediatric endocrinologist. The doctor took his medical history, blood tests, x-rays, andmeasurements. Jeremy's parents were told that his body was notmaking enough growth hormone.

Daily shots of human growth hormone havehelped Jeremy, and he is now taller than his brother.What Is Normal Growth?Everyone has a different size and shape, and there is a very wide range ofwhat doctors consider 'normal growth.' In order to monitorgrowth, doctors use an established range of normal heights and weights fordifferent age groups. From the time a child first goes to the doctor,measurements of height and weight are taken. The doctor uses a growthchart to compare a child's height and growth rate with those ofothers the same age. As a newborn, everyone starts out at about the samesize.

Yet, some end up short and some tall.When developing a standard growth chart, researchers take a large numberof children of different ages and make a graph of their heights andweights. The height at the 50th percentile means the height at which halfof the children of that age are taller and half are shorter. The 25thpercentile means that three quarters (75 percent) of the children aretaller at that age, and one quarter (25 percent) are shorter.

The 75thpercentile means that three quarters of the children (75 percent) will beshorter and one quarter (25 percent) taller.People vary greatly, and if children are between the 3rd and 97thpercentile, and if they growing at a normal rate, they usually areregarded as normal. If children are outside these ranges (over 97thpercentile or under 3rd percentile), the doctor may look for someexplanation.

Most often, these children simply have inherited'short' or 'tall' genes from their parents,and they will continue to grow at a normal pace.Growth and PubertyAt the time of adolescence, a growth spurt normally occurs. Generally,growth spurts for girls start about two years earlier than growth spurtsfor boys.

Rates of growth and change during puberty vary with theindividual. Parents' growth and puberty patterns often are passedon through their genes to their children: If one or both parents had alate puberty, then their children are more likely to reach puberty laterand to experience a later growth spurt.

Is It Normal To Grow Uneven Legs During Growth Spurts 2017

The medical term for this'late bloomer' pattern is constitutional growth delay.endocrinologist(en-do-krin-OL-ojist) is a doctor who specializes in treating patientswith hormone-related disorders.SexhormonesThe increase in growth rate that occurs during puberty is driven by thebody's increase in production of sex hormones: estrogen from theovaries in girls, and testosterone from the testicles inboys. These hormones cause the skeleton to grow and to mature morerapidly. Hormones produced by the adrenal glands at puberty contribute tothe development of pubic hair (near the genitals) and underarm hair, buthave little effect on bone growth. It follows, then, that disorders ofpubertal development can affect a child's growth pattern andultimate height. Pubertal disorders usually are grouped into twocategories: precocious or premature puberty (which starts earlier thanexpected), and delayed or late puberty.Precocious pubertyIn general, puberty is considered precocious (early) if changes in sexualdevelopment occur before age eight for girls and before age ten for boys.Most cases of precocious puberty result from the premature'switching on' of the puberty control center in the brain,located in the part of the brain called the hypothalamus(hy-po-THAL-a-mus).

Hormones from the hypothalamus trigger the release ofhormones from the pituitary gland (located at the base of the brain),which in turn stimulate the ovaries in girls and the testicles in boys toproduce the higher levels of sex hormones needed to bring about the bodilychanges of puberty.Children with precocious puberty experience early growth spurts because ofthe abnormally early rise in sex hormone levels in their bodies. Althoughinitially this causes these children to grow taller than others their age,their skeletons mature more rapidly, often causing them to stop growing atan early age.

Therefore, if precocious puberty is left untreated, it maylead to a decrease in a child's ultimate height.There are many possible causes for precocious puberty, including braintumors and other disorders of the central nervous system; and tumors orother conditions that cause the gonads or adrenal glands to overproducesex hormones. In girls, however, the majority of cases of precociouspuberty are idiopathic (id-ee-o-PATH-ik), which means the precise cause isunknown.Precocious puberty often can be treated effectively or controlled withmedications that decrease the overproduction of sex hormones or that blocktheir effects on the body. In many cases, this type of treatment canprevent or decrease the shortening of the child's ultimate heightthat would otherwise occur.Delayed pubertyDelayed puberty occurs when the hormonal changes of puberty occur laterthan normal, or not at all. Puberty is considered late if it has not begunby age 13 in girls or by age 15 in boys. Most children who experiencedelayed puberty are following the normal pattern called constitutionalgrowth delay discussed previously.Several medical conditions (such as disorders of the hypothalamus,pituitary, ovaries, and testicles) can result in delayed puberty byinterfering with the pubertal rise in sex hormones.

Many chronic disordersof other body organs and systems (such as the intestines and lungs), aswell as long-term treatments with certain medications (such as cortisone)also may cause delayed puberty.As would be expected, children with delayed puberty do not experiencegrowth spurts at the usual age, so they lag behind in height as theirpeers grow rapidly and mature sexually. When puberty finally occurs forthese children, on its own or as a result of treatment, they 'catchup': They may continue to grow into their late teens and may evenexceed the final adult heights of some of their peers.

Anatomy of bones. When all of the cartilage in the growth plate turnsto bone, growth stops.How Does Growth Take Place?Growth occurs when bones of the arms, legs, and back increase in size. Thelong bones of the limbs have a growth plate at the end. The growth plateis made of cartilage, which is a tough, elastic tissue. Cartilage cells inthe growth plate multiply and move down the bone to produce a matrix, ortissue from which new bone is formed.

These cartilage cells then die,leaving spaces. Special cells called osteoblasts (OS-tee-o-blasts),meaning bone beginners, then produce bone (by laying down the mineralscalcium and phosphorus) to fill the spaces and replace the matrix. Onceall the cartilage in the growth plate has been turned to bone, growthstops. This usually occurs before ages 16 to 18. An x-ray of the hand orknee can show the doctor the bone age (maturity of the bone) and how muchpotential growth remains.Why Do Some Children Not Grow Normally?NutritionChildren with poor nutrition may have poor growth. A balanced diet andadequate protein are essential for normal growth. Some parts of the worldhave serious problems with malnutrition, and the growth of children may beaffected in these areas.Chronic diseasesChronic diseases that may impair growth include diabetes, congenital heartdisorders, sickle cell disease, chronic kidney failure, cystic fibrosis,and rheumatoid arthritis.Bone DisordersOne form of extreme short stature (height) is caused by abnormal formationand growth of cartilage and bone.

Children with skeletal dysplasia.or chondrodystrophies.are short and have abnormal body proportions. Their intelligence levelsusually are normal. Most of these conditions are inherited or occur due togenetic mutations (changes).Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR)If growth in the uterus is interrupted while a fetus is forming ordeveloping, the condition is called intrauterine (meaning within theuterus) growth retardation or IUGR. IUGR is not the same as when a baby isborn prematurely. The small size of a premature infant usually is normalaccording to the gestational (jes-TAY-shun-al) age (or the age fromconception).dysplasia(dis-PLAY-zha) means abnormal growth or development.chrondrodystrophy(kon-dro-DIS-trof-ee) means abnormal growth at the ends of the bones.Failure to grow normally in the uterus may result from a problem with theplacenta (the organ that supplies nutrients and oxygen to the baby).Growth of the fetus can be affected if the mother smokes cigarettes ordrinks alcohol during the pregnancy. Infections, such as German measles,may cause the problem, and sometimes the cause cannot be determined.Failure to thrive (FTT)Failure to thrive (FTT), or inadequate weight gain anytime after birth,occurs frequently in infants. There are many possible causes, and thedoctor must examine the child carefully.

Often, the baby or child simplyis not getting enough to eat. Sometimes there are other illnessesinterfering with weight gain that must be treated.Genetic conditionsSeveral genetic conditions may involve problems with growth. One suchcondition is Turner syndrome. Girls with Turner syndrome have only one Xchromosome or a second X chromosome that may be abnormal or incomplete.Affected girls are short and have underdeveloped ovaries.Marfan syndrome is a hereditary condition affecting connective tissue andis associated with tall stature. People with Marfan syndrome have verylong arms and legs, eye problems, and differences in facial features.Other physical problems, such as heart abnormalities, also may be present.It is commonly believed that Abraham Lincoln had Marfan syndrome.Hormones and Growth DisordersGrowth is controlled by hormones (chemical messengers) from variousglands. One of the most important, growth hormone, is secreted by thepituitary gland.

The gland looks like a peanut sitting at the base of thebrain. Other hormones also are essential for growth. The thyroid gland inthe neck secretes thyroxine, a hormone required for normal bone growth.Sex hormones from the ovaries (estrogen) and testicles (testosterone) areessential for the growth spurt and other body changes that occur atpuberty.Pituitary hormonesThe pituitary gland is attached by a stalk to the hypothalamus, an area ofthe brain that controls the function of the pituitary. The anterior orfront part of the pituitary gland secretes the following hormones that canaffect growth:.Growth hormone to regulate bone growth.Thyroid-stimulating hormone to control the production and secretion ofthyroid hormones.Gonad-stimulating hormones for development of the sex glands (gonads)and secretion of sex hormones.Adrenal-stimulating hormone to regulate the secretion of adrenal glandhormones.Too little growth hormone (hypopituitarism)Sometimes the pituitary gland does not make enough growth hormone.Usually, this will slow a child's growth rate to less than 2 inchesa year. The deficiency may appear at any time during infancy or childhood.When doctors have ruled out other causes of growth failure, they mayrecommend special tests for growth hormone (GH) deficiency. Children withgrowth hormone deficiency are treated with daily injections of thehormone,often for a period of years. With early diagnosis and treatment, thesechildren usually increase their rate of growth, and may catch up toachieve average or near-average height as adults.In pituitary dwarfism, caused by low amounts of growth hormone, the personis short but has normal body proportions.


This is different from otherforms of dwarfism due to genetic skeletal dysplasias. In these cases, theperson with dwarfism is short, and the growth of the arms, legs, torso,and head often is out of proportion. For example, the person's armsand legs may appear relatively smaller than the head or torso.Too much growth hormone (hyperpituitarism)Two conditions arise from excessive amounts of growth hormone in the body:acromegaly (ak-ro-MEG-a-lee) and gigantism. The cause usually is a benign.pituitary tumor.Acromegaly, a condition caused by increased secretion of growth hormoneafter normal growth has been completed, occurs in adults. The condition israre, occurring in 6 out of 100,000 people. Because the adult cannot growtaller, the excess growth hormone in acromegaly causes adult bones tothicken and other structures and organs to grow larger. Usually, it doesnot appear until middle age, when the person notes a tightening of a ringon the finger, or an increase in shoe size.

Is It Normal To Grow Uneven Legs During Growth Spurts Chart

Tests at that time may reveala pituitary tumor.benignmeans not cancerous or spreading and contained in one area.Gigantism occurs when excessive secretion of growth hormone occurs inchildren before normal growth has stopped. This results in the overgrowthof long bones. The vertical growth in height is accompanied by growth inmuscle and organs. The result is a person who is very tall, with a largejaw, large face, large skull, and very large hands and feet. Many healthproblems may be associated with gigantism, including heart disease andvision problems.

Delayed puberty also may occur in this condition. Surgeryor radiation can correct the problem. Hormone replacement may be necessaryif there is pituitary damage from this treatment. © 1990 MMSB/Custom Medical Stock Photo.Too little thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism)The thyroid gland looks like a big butterfly at the base of the neck. Onewing is on one side of the windpipe or trachea, and the other on the otherside.

The wings are joined by a thin strip of thyroid tissue. The thyroidgland makes the hormone thyroxine (thy-ROX-een).The thyroid is controlled by the pituitary gland, which makesthyroid-stimulating hormone. The hormone thyroxine controls the rate ofchemical reactions (or metabolism) in the body.

Too much thyroxine, orhyperthyroidism, speeds up metabolism.Hypothyroidism is the opposite. Hypothyroidism is caused by thebody's underproduction of thyroid hormone, and this affects manydifferent body processes.A child with thyroid hormone deficiency has slow growth and is physicallyand mentally sluggish. The lack of this hormone may be present at birth,if the thyroid gland did not develop properly in the fetus.

Or the problemmay develop during childhood or later in life as a result of certaindiseases of the thyroid.In most states, babies are tested for hypothyroidism at birth. Blood testscan detect the problem, and treatment usually is a daily pill thatreplaces the missing thyroid hormone. Early diagnosis and continuingtreatment help these children grow and develop normally.Too much cortisol (Cushing's syndrome)The adrenal glands, which are located on top of the kidneys in theabdomen, secrete the hormone cortisol. If too much cortisol is made by thechild's adrenals, or if large doses of the hormone are given to thechild to treat certain diseases, Cushing's syndrome may develop.Children with this syndrome grow slowly, gain weight excessively, and mayexperience delayed puberty due to the effects of the abnormally largeamounts of cortisol in the body.A Complex ProblemThere are many causes for growth problems.

In order to detect thesedisorders early, it is important for doctors to track growth carefully ininfants and children. Many of these conditions can be treated effectively,resulting in more normal adult heights for children with growth disorders. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and otherinstitutes at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), offer many factsheets and online resources about growth disorders. The NIH searchengine is user friendly and provides many useful hypertext links.March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, 1275 Mamaroneck Avenue, WhitePlains, NY 10605. This large, national organization providesinformation about achondroplasia, other growth disorders, and manybirth defects.Telephone 888-MODIMES. Sorry about the multiple comments, but I have one more point to make. When you are shorter than average, you have to contend with pants always being too long, so everytime I buy a pair of jeans, they have to be hemmed by a good couple of inches.

Shirt also have to be tried on to ensure the sleeves aren't too long, but this isn't as big of a problem for me as pants. I've put my mom through a lot of sewing seeing as the vast majority of my pants need to be shortened. Because of my tiny stature, my shoe size is no more than a size five. This make shoe shopping difficult, as not only so many shoe stores not carry size fives, I am on the small size of size five so many times, even a five won't fit (this is especially true of pumps, ballet-style shoes, slip ons). It's embarrassing to admit that I even have to visit the kids section at times (at least Aldo kids is basically the same women's shoes in kids sizes).

Is It Normal To Grow Uneven Legs During Growth Spurts